Not long after getting my new medium format camera, a Pentax 645D, I fell skiing and broke my clavicle and cracked my scapula. Ouch! Also makes it tough to use this big camera. But thanks to my wonderful wife I was getting out with her considerable help just a few days later. Now I'm at 2 weeks and I can go out on my own but I can't carry this rig very far. I also have to shoot from a tripod but that's often how a medium format camera is used anyway.
I shot this last night at the Gunnison Whitewater Park. As the sun went down the temperature dropped and eventually got close to -30F over night. I really liked how the ice floating in the eddys below the drop formed a vortex so I got out a ND filter to slow down the shutter speed, revealing the circular motion.
So I'm trying to use the time I have and update my online presence. Do you like the new site format?
Hopefully I can get through the next few weeks without going crazy or making my family crazy. Can't wait to get back out into the backcountry and ski area!